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March 9, 2014                                                                                                                                       443-370-3291 cell                                                                                                                                                  


Retired Army Airborne Ranger publishes first children’s book to help kids cope with fear


ROCKLIN, Calif. - After 28 years in the U.S. Army as an Airborne Ranger and public affairs officer, retired Command Sgt. Maj. Ray Cordell published “Airborne Bunny.”


This book’s main character is based on the stuffed animals many troops take with them to war as a good luck charm or to remind them of home and family. Cordell was inspired to write “Airborne Bunny” for his son, Ranger, because several friends had children who struggled with fear, unable to sleep alone in their rooms.


“A neighbor’s child found comfort in an Army doll I gave him as a gift,” Cordell said. “That gave me the idea to create a character that has ‘been trained by the best, those who keep the world safe.’”


The story introduces us to Airborne Bunny, who has trained with the military over the course of generations, and has now taken on the role of protecting young boys and girls who are afraid of being alone in their rooms at night.


“I spent decades leading, guiding and training young men and women who protect our country, and now I’m taking on a tougher challenge in raising a toddler,” Cordell joked. “But in all seriousness, Airborne Bunny is a symbol of the soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines who are on guard 24/7 so that each of us can sleep safely in our homes at night.”


Cordell became a father shortly after retirement, and those who have known him throughout his military career are shocked to learn that this “hard-core” soldier has become a children’s book author. “No one is more surprised than me,” Cordell said. “Fatherhood is an overwhelming influence. So I went to the basics of successful soldiering – adapt and overcome! Become one with the environment in which you find yourself and influence that environment to support your mission.”


The result of that effort can be seen in the first of what promises to be a series of military themed children’s books, which will both educate and entertain.


“Airborne Bunny” is available on, and iTunes. For more information, go to or call 443-370-3291. ###

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